
Digital humanities scholars are widely dispersed across the University of Toronto’s many divisions and three campuses. Faculty members have created over 40 digital humanities projects and labs over the past several years, and more are being founded each month. Do you have a project that you’d like to see listed here? Please reach out to Danielle Taschereau Mamers (Managing Director) via email:

  • Geography & Period

  • Field & DH Method

Dragoman Renaissance Research Platform

Dragoman Renaissance Research Platform

A companion project to E. Natalie Rothman’s book “The Dragoman Renaissance,” this website explores the role of dragomans (diplomatic interpreter-translators) in mediating relations between the Ottoman Empire and its European neighbours, 1550 to 1730

The Veil of Code

The Veil of Code

Adapting the theories, vocabulary, and techniques of bibliographical inquiry to develop new methods for born-digital textual scholarship.



A powerful GIS mapping tool allowing historians to uncover social networks, economic currents, and the sensory life of Florence.