A collaborative working to reorient digital scholarship towards non-extractive research habits, protocols and relationships.
North America
Human Stories
Free, open-access teaching and learning resources about different kinds of peoples, humans and non-humans who make up the world we live in today.
DH Italian-Canadian Foodways
Using digital mapping and archives to consider the place of food production in Italian-Canadian Cultural identity throughout the last century.
Indigenous-Italian-Canadian Connections
A digital platform fostering discussions between scholars and community leaders on relationships between Indigenous Nations and Italian-Canadians.
Under Layered Suspicion
Identifies whole-of-government policies and patterns of audit practices that demonstrate potential biases in CRA audits of Muslim-led charities.
Canada Declassified
A digital repository of government records from the Cold War period declassified under the Canadian Access to Information Act.
Sex Work and the Queen City: Mapping Toronto’s Sex Trade History, 1865-1915
An examination of historical records to locate and map spaces associated with sex work in Toronto from brothels to courthouses.