A collaborative working to reorient digital scholarship towards non-extractive research habits, protocols and relationships.
It’s About time: Dancing Black in Canada, 1900–1970
An online exhibition that highlights the dance histories of Canada’s Black population from 1900–1970.
Object Lives and Global Histories in Northern North America
Histories of North American objects addressing global flows of influence that arise from trade colonialism and migration.
Afrosonic Innovation Lab
Website: https://afrosonicinnovationlab.com/ Description: The Afrosonic Innovation Lab is a team of artists, creatives, and scholars actively engaged in the making of music, sound experimentation, and musicological analysis. We actively seek and cultivate projects...
The Bais Yaakov Project
An archive of digitized material tracing the Bais Yaakov movement from modern scholarship to its origins in 1917 Krakow
A powerful GIS mapping tool allowing historians to uncover social networks, economic currents, and the sensory life of Florence.
Dictionary of Old English (DOE)
A dictionary of English vocabulary C.E.600-1150, based on a computerized corpus comprising at least one copy of each text surviving in Old English.
Indigenous-Italian-Canadian Connections
A digital platform fostering discussions between scholars and community leaders on relationships between Indigenous Nations and Italian-Canadians.
Lexicons of Early Modern English (LEME)
Providing insights into Early Modern though about the English Language through a database of encyclopedic-lexical works, 1480-1755.
Records of Early English Drama (REED)
A database of Medieval historical documents focusing on drama, secular music, and other communal entertainment and ceremony.
Iter: Gateway to the Middle Ages and Renaissance
Bibliographical databases of primary and secondary sources as well as digital community space for the study of the Middle Ages and Renaissance.
Northside Hip Hop Archive
Website: https://www.nshharchive.ca/ Description: Northside Hip Hop Archive is a digital collection of Canadian hip-hop history and culture. This site is a living archive, which means we are always in the process of digitizing, cataloguing and engaging communities...