Using digital mapping and archives to consider the place of food production in Italian-Canadian Cultural identity throughout the last century.
Kiinawin Kawindomowin Story Nations
A digital edition of a missionary’s diary, documenting Ojibwe responses to Christianity and the expansion of Treaty 3 territory.
Color and Overtones: A Web-Based Visual Archive of Africans and their Descendants in Latin America
A project to create an online visual archive of representations of blackness throughout Latin American history.
Mazgaba Se’elet: Treasury of Ethiopian Images
A database of over 11 000 images related to Ethiopian art and architecture.
It’s About time: Dancing Black in Canada, 1900–1970
An online exhibition that highlights the dance histories of Canada’s Black population from 1900–1970.
Human Stories
Free, open-access teaching and learning resources about different kinds of peoples, humans and non-humans who make up the world we live in today.
Cabaret Commons
A work-in-progress gathering place for trans- feminist and queer artists, activists, audiences and researchers.
LGBTQ Oral History Digital Collaboratory
Connecting scholars, activists, and archives across Canada and the U.S. to produce a collaborative, digital history hub for gay, lesbian, queer, and trans* oral histories.
Under Layered Suspicion
Identifies whole-of-government policies and patterns of audit practices that demonstrate potential biases in CRA audits of Muslim-led charities.
App Studies Initiative
A network of scholars studying apps through a range of theoretical and methodological lenses.
Digital Research Ethics Collaboratory (DREC)
A collaborative working to reorient digital scholarship towards non-extractive research habits, protocols and relationships.
The Bais Yaakov Project
An archive of digitized material tracing the Bais Yaakov movement from modern scholarship to its origins in 1917 Krakow