DH@Guelph Summer Workshops – tuition support

Deadline: Monday, April 22 at 5:00 pm EST Are you looking for more training in digital humanities tools and methods? CDHI is offering tuition support for graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, faculty, sessional instructors, and librarians to attend this training...

CDHI Launches Indigenous Digital Practice Initiative for 2023-24 

CDHI is pleased to announce that we are launching the Indigenous Digital Practice initiative, with the goal of building strengths in Indigenous Digital Practice among university and community-based Indigenous researchers.

Dr. Jennifer Wemigwans is leading this initiative and has commenced her position as Director of Indigenous Digital Practice.

2024-25 JHI-CDHI Digital Humanities Postdoctoral Fellowship

The Jackman Humanities Institute (JHI) at the University of Toronto, in partnership with the Critical Digital Humanities Initiative (CDHI), offers a twelve-month Postdoctoral Fellowship in Digital Humanities, with a project that fits the JHI’s annual theme, “Undergrounds/Underworlds”.