The “Age of Vedanta” Project transcribes descriptive catalogues of Vedānta manuscripts to the Prosopographical Database of Indic Texts (PANDiT).
Middle Ages
Mazgaba Se’elet: Treasury of Ethiopian Images
A database of over 11 000 images related to Ethiopian art and architecture.
Electronic Library of Ukrainian Literature
Providing free access to electronic texts of Ukrainian literature to all readers, especially students outside Ukraine.
Records of Early English Drama (REED)
A database of Medieval historical documents focusing on drama, secular music, and other communal entertainment and ceremony.
Documents of Early England Data Set (DEEDS)
A database of medieval charters and tools for textual analysis.
The Book and the Silk Roads
Analyzing premodern book history from a global perspective, transforming the story of human communication.
Baptisteria Sacra Index (BSI)
Iconographic index of Baptismal Fonts from early Christian period to the 17th CE.
Lexicon of Science in Asia
A fully searchable, multilingual database of scientific terms in Asian languages.
Iter: Gateway to the Middle Ages and Renaissance
Bibliographical databases of primary and secondary sources as well as digital community space for the study of the Middle Ages and Renaissance.
Dictionary of Old English (DOE)
A dictionary of English vocabulary C.E.600-1150, based on a computerized corpus comprising at least one copy of each text surviving in Old English.
Indigenous-Italian-Canadian Connections
A digital platform fostering discussions between scholars and community leaders on relationships between Indigenous Nations and Italian-Canadians.