A work-in-progress gathering place for trans- feminist and queer artists, activists, audiences and researchers.
DH Italian-Canadian Foodways
Using digital mapping and archives to consider the place of food production in Italian-Canadian Cultural identity throughout the last century.
Northside Hip Hop Archive
Website: https://www.nshharchive.ca/ Description: Northside Hip Hop Archive is a digital collection of Canadian hip-hop history and culture. This site is a living archive, which means we are always in the process of digitizing, cataloguing and engaging communities...
App Studies Initiative
A network of scholars studying apps through a range of theoretical and methodological lenses.
Refugee States
Refugee States is a community-based project that builds capacity for the co-creation of a digital archive of refugee stories that challenges dominant narratives about forced migration.
Project for the Study of Dissidence and Samizdat
A database of Soviet Samizdat Periodicals and interviews with activists and timelines of dissident activity.
Digital Research Ethics Collaboratory (DREC)
A collaborative working to reorient digital scholarship towards non-extractive research habits, protocols and relationships.
Queer Italian-Canadian Artists: A Study on Ethnic Belonging and Cultural Production
Website: www.qic-artists.com Description: The Queer Italian-Canadian Artists Project documents, analyzes, and gives visibility to the lived experiences and creative production of Italian-Canadian artists who belong to the LGBTQ+ community. Heteronormative and...
Color and Overtones: A Web-Based Visual Archive of Africans and their Descendants in Latin America
A project to create an online visual archive of representations of blackness throughout Latin American history.
Electronic Library of Ukrainian Literature
Providing free access to electronic texts of Ukrainian literature to all readers, especially students outside Ukraine.
Lexicon of Science in Asia
A fully searchable, multilingual database of scientific terms in Asian languages.
Object Lives and Global Histories in Northern North America
Histories of North American objects addressing global flows of influence that arise from trade colonialism and migration.