Identifies whole-of-government policies and patterns of audit practices that demonstrate potential biases in CRA audits of Muslim-led charities.
Text & Language Analysis
Dragoman Renaissance Research Platform
A companion project to E. Natalie Rothman’s book “The Dragoman Renaissance,” this website explores the role of dragomans (diplomatic interpreter-translators) in mediating relations between the Ottoman Empire and its European neighbours, 1550 to 1730
Dictionary of Old English (DOE)
A dictionary of English vocabulary C.E.600-1150, based on a computerized corpus comprising at least one copy of each text surviving in Old English.
The Book and the Silk Roads
Analyzing premodern book history from a global perspective, transforming the story of human communication.
Documents of Early England Data Set (DEEDS)
A database of medieval charters and tools for textual analysis.
Digital Dostoevsky
Creating an open-access database of Dostoevsky’s works and analyzing them with digital text analysis methods.
Margaret Cavendish’s Poems and Fancies: A Digital Critical Edition
A digital critical edition of Margaret Cavendish’s Poems and Fancies (1664/68).