Iconographic index of Baptismal Fonts from early Christian period to the 17th CE.
All projects with the following field and/or DH method:
Mapping-Spatial Analysis
A powerful GIS mapping tool allowing historians to uncover social networks, economic currents, and the sensory life of Florence.
Computational Research on the Ancient Near East (CRANE)
Using modeling, visualization, and the OCHRE software to understand the archaeology of the Near East.
DH Italian-Canadian Foodways
Using digital mapping and archives to consider the place of food production in Italian-Canadian Cultural identity throughout the last century.
Sex Work and the Queen City: Mapping Toronto’s Sex Trade History, 1865-1915
An examination of historical records to locate and map spaces associated with sex work in Toronto from brothels to courthouses.
Documents of Early England Data Set (DEEDS)
A database of medieval charters and tools for textual analysis.
Hidden Florence
An app enabling users to explore lives and stories from renaissance Florence through a 3D map.