A collaborative working to reorient digital scholarship towards non-extractive research habits, protocols and relationships.
All projects with the following field and/or DH method:
Indigenous-Metis-First-Nations-Inuit Studies
Indigenous-Italian-Canadian Connections
A digital platform fostering discussions between scholars and community leaders on relationships between Indigenous Nations and Italian-Canadians.
Great Lakes Research Alliance (GRASAC)
Website: https://grasac.artsci.utoronto.ca/ Description: The Great Lakes Research Alliance for the Study of Aboriginal Arts & Cultures (GRASAC) is a vibrant, interdisciplinary research network comprising over 500 members. Since 2005, they have collaborated in the...
Kiinawin Kawindomowin Story Nations
A digital edition of a missionary’s diary, documenting Ojibwe responses to Christianity and the expansion of Treaty 3 territory.