A database of medieval charters and tools for textual analysis.
Digital Dostoevsky
Creating an open-access database of Dostoevsky’s works and analyzing them with digital text analysis methods.
Age of Vedanta Project with the Prosopographical Database of Indic Texts (PANDiT)
The “Age of Vedanta” Project transcribes descriptive catalogues of Vedānta manuscripts to the Prosopographical Database of Indic Texts (PANDiT).
Indigenous-Italian-Canadian Connections
A digital platform fostering discussions between scholars and community leaders on relationships between Indigenous Nations and Italian-Canadians.
App Studies Initiative
A network of scholars studying apps through a range of theoretical and methodological lenses.
Canada Declassified
A digital repository of government records from the Cold War period declassified under the Canadian Access to Information Act.
Project for the Study of Dissidence and Samizdat
A database of Soviet Samizdat Periodicals and interviews with activists and timelines of dissident activity.
Visualizing Variation
An open-source code library of prototype interface components for digital scholarly editing and visualization, focusing on Shakespeare.
It’s About time: Dancing Black in Canada, 1900–1970
An online exhibition that highlights the dance histories of Canada’s Black population from 1900–1970.
Queer Italian-Canadian Artists: A Study on Ethnic Belonging and Cultural Production
Website: www.qic-artists.com Description: The Queer Italian-Canadian Artists Project documents, analyzes, and gives visibility to the lived experiences and creative production of Italian-Canadian artists who belong to the LGBTQ+ community. Heteronormative and...
Electronic Library of Ukrainian Literature
Providing free access to electronic texts of Ukrainian literature to all readers, especially students outside Ukraine.
Baptisteria Sacra Index (BSI)
Iconographic index of Baptismal Fonts from early Christian period to the 17th CE.