Using digital mapping and archives to consider the place of food production in Italian-Canadian Cultural identity throughout the last century.
Northside Hip Hop Archive
Website: Description: Northside Hip Hop Archive is a digital collection of Canadian hip-hop history and culture. This site is a living archive, which means we are always in the process of digitizing, cataloguing and engaging communities...
Hidden Florence
An app enabling users to explore lives and stories from renaissance Florence through a 3D map.
Human Stories
Free, open-access teaching and learning resources about different kinds of peoples, humans and non-humans who make up the world we live in today.
The Book and the Silk Roads
Analyzing premodern book history from a global perspective, transforming the story of human communication.
Age of Vedanta Project with the Prosopographical Database of Indic Texts (PANDiT)
The “Age of Vedanta” Project transcribes descriptive catalogues of Vedānta manuscripts to the Prosopographical Database of Indic Texts (PANDiT).
Digital Dostoevsky
Creating an open-access database of Dostoevsky’s works and analyzing them with digital text analysis methods.
Queer Italian-Canadian Artists: A Study on Ethnic Belonging and Cultural Production
Website: Description: The Queer Italian-Canadian Artists Project documents, analyzes, and gives visibility to the lived experiences and creative production of Italian-Canadian artists who belong to the LGBTQ+ community. Heteronormative and...
Under Layered Suspicion
Identifies whole-of-government policies and patterns of audit practices that demonstrate potential biases in CRA audits of Muslim-led charities.
Sex Work and the Queen City: Mapping Toronto’s Sex Trade History, 1865-1915
An examination of historical records to locate and map spaces associated with sex work in Toronto from brothels to courthouses.
LGBTQ Oral History Digital Collaboratory
Connecting scholars, activists, and archives across Canada and the U.S. to produce a collaborative, digital history hub for gay, lesbian, queer, and trans* oral histories.
Baptisteria Sacra Index (BSI)
Iconographic index of Baptismal Fonts from early Christian period to the 17th CE.