Twitter: @baisyaakovproj
Facebook: thebaisyaakovproject
Description: The Bais Yaakov Project is dedicated to the collection, preservation, and digitization of historical material related to the Bais Yaakov movement from its founding in 1917 through today. It aims to mine the archives of interwar Bais Yaakov and make this history available to the public through a dedicated website; to provide academic and general public forums for scholarly exchanges among those interested in Bais Yaakov, through public lectures and conferences and on virtual platforms; to revive, restage, and record the interwar musical repertoire of Bais Yaakov for contemporary audiences; to present and preserve the artistic creativity of Bais Yaakov students and graduates past and present, on the website and in other public forums.
- Naomi Seidman, Department for the Study of Religion, University of Toronto
- Dainy Bernstein, Department of English, University of Pittsburgh
- Dikla Yogev, Centre for Criminology and Sociological Studies, University of Toronto
- Leslie Ginsparg Klein, Academic Dean, Women’s Institute of Torah Seminary/Maalot Baltimore
- Pearl Gluck, Filmmaker, Penn State University
- Basya Schechter, Musician and Composer
- Sandra Chiritescu, Department of Germanic Studies, Columbia University
- Frieda Vizel, New York City tour guide
- Benjamin Bandosz, University of Toronto
Funders: SSHRC