Digital Literary Archives (2021 DHN Winter Lightning Lunch Series)

Welcome to a new year and new semester! To start off our winter programing, join the DHN for the first Lightning Lunch on Digital Literary Archives. Claire Battershill (University of Toronto), Michelle Levy (Simon Fraser University), and Lawrence Evalyn (University of Toronto) gather to discuss the intersection of literature, print history, and digital archives. Jennifer Ross (University of Toronto) will serve as moderator.

Network Analysis (2021 DHN Winter Lightning Lunch Series)

Our second lunch in the Winter 2021 Lightning Lunch series explores network analysis through art, religion, and the development of civilizations in the Mediterranean. Art historian Carl Knappett (University of Toronto), historian Irad Malkin (Tel Aviv University), and religious scholar John Kloppenborg (University of Toronto) describe their work excavating the development of trade, knowledge, and religious networks within and beyond the Greco-Roman world.

EH/DH: Energy Humanities and the Digital Turn (2021 DHN Winter Lightning Lunch Series)

Join the DHN as we conclude our winter 2021 Lightning Lunch series! With a focus on the intersection of energy and digital humanities, this lunch will explore how energy humanists have integrated the study of new media and digital technologies into analysis of infrastructure and the environment. We are delighted to host Anne Pasek (Trent University), Caleb Wellum (University of Waterloo), and Lisa Parks (University of California at Santa Barbara) for an engaging discussion on energy, culture, and communication in the digital era.

The event will take place from 12:00pm to 1:00pm EST March 30, 2021. Speakers will give short presentations on their work, followed by discussion.

CDHI Praxis Workshop: Introduction to TEI

This workshop will introduce workflows for encoding texts using Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) and will discuss how to approach tagging transcriptions based on how future researchers will access a project's digitized, transcribed, and searchable texts. Location: Online via Teams 

CDHI Praxis Workshop: Getting Started with ArcGIS StoryMaps

Join Marcel Fortin (Head of the U of T Map and Data Library) for an introduction to getting started with the esri ArcGIS StoryMaps platform using the new template for development. Registration is now open:

CDHI Praxis Workshop: Zotero for Research

This hands-on workshop will introduce participants to how to use Zotero to collect, organize, annotate, and share research materials for their own use, or for use as part of a research team. The session will cover strategies for building a personal research library, managing and organizing documents and articles, using Zotero to automate citations and […]

CDHI Visiting Speaker Series: Roopika Risam on Postcolonial DH

CDHI is pleased to host Dr. Roopika Risam as the first speaker in our Winter 2022 Visiting Speaker Series. Dr. Risam is Chair of Secondary and Higher Education and Associate Professor of Education and English, Salem State University and is a principle investigator of the Digital Ethnic Futures Consortium. Dr. Risam's talk is titled "Data […]

Graduate Workshop with Dr. Roopika Risam: Postcolonial Digital Humanities in Practice: Visualizing Migration

The CDHI cordially invites all UofT graduate students to attend a workshop with Dr. Roopika Risam, our first speaker in the Winter 2022 Visiting Speaker Series.  Dr. Risam is Chair of Secondary and Higher Education and Associate Professor of Education and English, Salem State University, as well as a principle investigator of the Digital Ethnic […]

CDHI Visiting Speaker Series: Catherine Knight Steele on Digital Black Feminism

CDHI and the Black Research Network are pleased to host Dr. Catherine Knight Steele as the second speaker in our Winter 2022 Visiting Speaker Series. Dr. Knight Steele is an Assistant Professor of Communication at the University of Maryland-College Park and the Director of the Black Communication and Technology Lab. Dr. Knight Steele's talk is […]

CDHI Visiting Speaker Series: Angus Mol on Games as Playful Time Machines

CDHI is pleased to host Dr. Angus Mol as the third speaker in our Winter 2022 Visiting Speaker Series. Dr. Mol is a University Lecturer at the institute for History and the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society. Dr. Mol's talk is titled "Playful Time Machines: Research and Outreach at the Intersections of […]