CDHI Members Awarded SSHRC Partnership Grant

CDHI Members Awarded SSHRC Partnership Grant

Gatherings: Archival and Oral Histories of Performance awarded a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Partnership Grant for $2,500,000.00. CDHI is very pleased to announce that the research project Gatherings: Archival and Oral Histories...

Welcoming Interim Faculty Director, Prof. Claire Battershill

CDHI is pleased to welcome Claire Battershill (Assistant Professor, iSchool and English) as Interim Faculty Director, 01 July to 31 December 2024, while Elspeth Brown, takes a six-month administrative leave after the conclusion of her role as Associate Vice-Principal...

Refugee States: Oral History Narrators Wanted

How do we tell stories of refugee stories differently? Refugee States is a project that challenges dominant narratives about forced migration. We partner with community organizations to co-create a counter-archive of refugee and migration oral histories and to...

DH@Guelph Summer Workshops – tuition support

Deadline: Monday, April 22 at 5:00 pm EST Are you looking for more training in digital humanities tools and methods? CDHI is offering tuition support for graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, faculty, sessional instructors, and librarians to attend this training...