Aegean Material Cultural Laboratory
Dr. Carl Knappett, Professor, Department of Anthropology (UTSG)
The Aegean Material Culture Laboratory was established in 2009 with funding from the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI). It is equipped with office facilities for doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows, a small library, a polarizing microscope with imaging system, a potter’s wheel, and a kiln. Housed in the Anthropology Building at the St. George campus, the Lab serves as a research base for Professor Carl Knappett.

The LGBTQ Oral History Digital Collaboratory
Dr. Elspeth Brown, Professor, Department of Historical Studies (UTM)
The LGBTQ Oral History Digital Collaboratory connects archives across Canada and the U.S. to produce a digital history hub for the research and study of gay, lesbian, queer, and trans* oral histories. As the largest LGBTQ oral history project in North American history, the collaboratory connects hundreds of life stories using new methodologies in digital history, collaborative research, and archival practice. The project develops these methods through practice: our collaborators connect to share resources and ideas, but also roll up their sleeves to digitize tapes and make this material available online.

Old Books, New Science Lab
Dr. Alexandra Gillespie, Professor of English and Principal (UTM)
The Old Books New Science (OBNS) Lab brings together undergraduate research assistants, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and technologists with interests in digital scholarship, digital text editing, computational approaches to humanities research, and new media; medieval book history (manuscript and print); and medieval literary studies – especially work on form, affect, historical phenomenology, and theories of perception and cognition.

Technoscience Research Unit (TRU)
Dr. Michelle Murphy, Founding Director and Co-Director, Professor, History and Women and Gender Studies
Dr. Kristen Bos, Co-Director, Assistant Professor, Historical Studies and Women and Gender Studies
The Technoscience Research Unit at the University of Toronto is a home for critical and creative research on the politics of technoscience. The TRU draws together social justice approaches to Science and Technology Studies from across the university with an emphasis on Indigenous, feminist, queer, environmental, anti-racist and anti-colonial scholarship. As a cross-faculty research unit, the TRU is located at the Faculty of Information and jointly supported by the Faculty of Arts and Science, with its start in the Women and Gender Studies Institute. Since 2017, we are physically located in the Semaphore Research Cluster of the Knowledge Media Design Institute on the 7th floor of Robarts Library.

Digital Research Ethics Collaboratory (DREC)
Dr. T.L. Cowan, Assistant Professor of Media Studies (Digital Media Cultures), Department of Arts, Culture and Media (UTSC) and the Faculty of Information (iSchool) at the University of Toronto
Dr. Jasmine Rault, Assistant Professor of Media Studies (Digital Media Cultures), Department of Arts, Culture and Media (UTSC) and the Faculty of Information (iSchool) at the University of Toronto
The Digital Research Ethics Collaboratory brings together stories, questions, provocations and proposals from researchers, archivists, publishers, community organizers and artists grappling with the ethical challenges of building equitable research relationships and reciprocal research cultures,

Knowledge Equity Lab (KEL)
Dr. Leslie Chan, Associate Professor, Teaching Stream, Department of Global Development Studies (UTSC) and Associate Professor, Department of Arts, Culture and Media (UTSC)
The Knowledge Equity Lab is an inclusive, trans-disciplinary, experimental space based at the University of Toronto Scarborough’s Department of Global Development Studies. It is a research & practise hub housing collaborative projects that investigate & challenge multiple forms of exclusion within the highly unequal structures of knowledge production & exchange.