Learn About CDHI’s Impact and Supported Projects since 2021
Funds Awarded
Events & Workshops
Projects Supported
Event & Workshop Attendees
Subscribers & Followers
Funds Awarded
CDHI is leading innovation in digital humanities research at the University of Toronto by providing seed funding to faculty- and librarian-led research projects. We are training the next generation of critical DH scholars with undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral fellowships. Our funding programs offer more than just needed financial resources: each program includes focused mentorship, consultations that link researchers to research facilities support, knowledge mobilization support, and connection to broader audiences.
Postdoctoral Fellows:
Graduate Students:
Undergraduate Students:
Events and Workshops
Critical digital humanities scholars are widely dispersed across the University of Toronto’s divisions and campuses. To build an inclusive, cross-divisional research community and create opportunities for connection, CDHI has developed robust programming, such as an international conference, research showcases, Lightning Lunches, and an annual Visiting Speaker Series. In Fall 2023, CDHI is launching a new Indigenous Digital Practice initiative with events and programs centred on the research needs and interests of Indigenous scholars at the University of Toronto. The workshops and training sessions organized by the CDHI team provide key opportunities for convergence among researchers and are developing highly qualified personnel. Attracting an international audience, our events and workshops have raised the profile of CDHI and the University of Toronto across Canada and around the world.
Praxis Workshops
Visiting Speakers
Lightning Lunches
Digital & WordPress Drop-Ins
Across our platforms, CDHI is fostering a growing network of DH researchers throughout the University of Toronto, Canada, and the world. We are committed to providing resources, training, and support, and to mobilizing knowledge within the University and to wider audiences through storytelling, community engagement, media coverage, and our Critical Digital Humanities International Conference. These outreach efforts provide CDHI researchers with a global audience — and this increases the impact and reach of our work.
Unique Visitors by Country

Subscriber Growth
Social Media
Supported Projects
CDHI supports leading digital scholarship with our Emerging Project Fund grants, fellowships that embed student researchers in faculty-led projects, and the UX Design for DH Accelerator Program. With our support, research teams have access to highly qualified personnel, talented trainees, focused mentorship, knowledge mobilization support, cross-divisional connections, and advocacy.

Pandemic Profits

A Type of Queer Feeling

Leveraging Existing Software for Indigenous Language Revitalization

Early Modern Intellectual Life in India ML-enabled Optical Character Recognition for South Asian Manuscripts

Hidden Toronto

A Public Presence for the Great Lakes Research Alliance

Infamous: Brothels of Old Toronto, 1847-1917

Streaming Life, Storying the 94!

Decolonizing Archives of Water

Dark Patterns: Where Marketing Meets UX Design

What's In A Name? The Aesthetics, Logic, and Sociology of Ancient Greek Titles

Great Lakes Research Alliance for the Study of Aboriginal Arts and Culture GKS Renewal: Ethics

The Black Androids

Refugee States

Visualizing Journalistic Sources with MediaCAT: The Intertextual Epistemics of News

Quieting and Reclamation as Place-Making: UTSC from settler contact to present

New Voices, New Vistas: Contemporary Arab Women Writers Scolarly Database

Legacies of Tamil Slavery Working Group

Digital Storytelling Among Liver Transplantation Survivors Temporalities and the Frictions of Futurity Team Application

Instruments of Empire: Histories of Mapping Technology in the Middle East and the World

Collaborative Asexuality Bibliography

First Story Toronto

The Mounds Research Collective

Pussy Palace Oral History Project

Sealings & Lives of Maresha

Towards a Decolonial Palestinian Archives

The PLEDGE Project (Production Listing to Enhance Diversity and Gender Equity)

A Python-assisted Corpus-based Critical Study of Chinese Subtitles Translation

Kensington Market Soundscape Study

Building Inclusive Cities

Streaming Life, Storying the 94!

Predictive Care

Project ONLOCK

Black Internationalism in Canada: Uncovering Traces, Spaces & Faces of the Gibbs Family

Learning from Dolls: Ethical Frameworks for Contemporary Research on Cultural Objects

Remediating the Mound Builders

Recovering Khwajah Sindhi

Youth Voice: Building Civic and Digital Literacies

Italian-Canadian Foodways

Gospel Parallels
Want to learn more about CDHI’s impact and programs? Please read our Strategic Plan and Annual Report.